Dandelion Infused Vinegar

2 cups
1 hr 15 min

Dandelions have several health benefits. They are high in some vitamins and minerals. They also have antioxidants and can reduce inflammation. Infusing the flowers in vinegar passes along the benefits to the vinegar. You can then use the vinegar in marinades, salad dressings, or in your favorite recipes with vinegar.

I used apple cider vinegar and white wine vinegar to make my infusion. You can use your favorite kind of vinegar or the kind that you'll use the most.

You'll need fresh or dried dandelions. I used fresh and rinsed them well and let them dry before making my infusion.

Then let the vinegar and flowers infuse for two to four weeks and strain out the flowers.

Dandelion vinegar has a mildly sweet flavor that complements the vinegar nicely.

Dandelion Infused Vinegar
Recipe details
  • 2  cups
  • Prep time: 15 Minutes Cook time: 60 Minutes Total time: 1 hr 15 min
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  • 2 cups vinegar
  • 1 cup fresh dandelion flowers or 2 tablespoons dried dandelion flowers
  • Pint jar
  • Plastic mason jar lid

Gather your dandelions. You want the flower and not the stem because it can be bitter.
Place the dandelion flowers in a colander and rinse well with cold water. Let dry completely.
Fill a pint jar about half full with dandelions.
Cover with your choice of vinegar. Label the jars and place a cap on it. Let it sit in a cool dark location for two to four weeks. Shake it every few days.
When the vinegar turns yellow, strain out the dandelions by pouring into a fine mesh sieve. Compost the flowers and save the dandelion infused vinegar. You can then pour through cheesecloth if there are still bits of flowers left in the vinegar.
Cari @ Homesteading in Ohio
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