
Manisha Mishra
by Manisha Mishra
6 Servings
35 min

Aamras is a classic mango delight made from pureed mangoes. It is a popular recipe in the Western States of India. Especially in Gujarat, Maharashtra, and Rajasthan. Which is traditionally served with poori. A fuss-free and super easy recipe. It can be made within minutes and tastes heavenly. Aam ras in English means mango (aam) juice (ras). So it literally translates to mango juice but it's really mango pulp. Mango ras is a popular dessert that can be enjoyed on its own. Aamras is a popular and staple made easily with its main ingredient which are fresh, ripe mangoes in season, to make mango puree. It can be optionally flavored using such as saffron, cardamom or nutmeg powder. This dish is popular in the summer when juicy mangoes are in season. It is a delight for all the mango lovers and most Indian households will have it on their daily menu during summer.

Aamras can be made in two ways: using a blender to blend the ingredients or using your palms to mash them together. The one prepared in the blender is silky smooth, whereas the other one has pieces of mangoes coming in each bite. This version is also called traditional Aam ras.

It is a tasty summer delight which is quick and easy to make. Aamras can be served as a dessert or with puffed hot pooris for lunch or dinner. It is most popularly paired with some  Indian bread though! It also tastes delicious with some warm rotis. While not a traditional use, it also tastes great drizzled on top of vanilla ice cream, a personal family favorite

This extremely delicious recipe is simple to make at home, one can have this as dessert during their lunch or dinner hours.  Let’s check out the step by step method of making the delicious Aamras.

Recipe details
  • 6  Servings
  • Prep time: 30 Minutes Cook time: 5 Minutes Total time: 35 min
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  • 6 ripe mangoes
  • 2 tsp sugar (if required)
  • 5-6 strands saffron/kesar
  • Water (if needed)

To make aamras, soak all the mangoes in enough water in a deep bowl for 30 minutes.
Take a mango, press from evenly from all the sides till it turns soft uniformly.
Peel the skin. scrape out the mango pulp very well so as to collect the pulp in a deep bowl. Discard the seed.
Repeat with the remaining 5 mangoes.
Add sugar & water(if needed) & saffron to the blending jar. Blend it until smooth.
Transfer to the serving bowl and keep in the refrigerator until chilled.
Then serve by adding some small chopped mango cubes.
  • Remember to use well-ripened and sweet Alphonso mangoes, so there will be no need to add sugar. 
  • For sweetener instead of sugar, you can use honey, jaggery or any healthy sugar substitute.
  • The same quantity of milk can be used instead of fresh cream or you can use a little water instead.
  • Instead of a mixer jar, you can also use a hand blender.
  • For flavoring agent green cardamom powder or nutmeg powder can also be added.
  • You can store the aamras in an air-tight container in the freezer for 1 month.
Manisha Mishra
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