Rainbow Yogurt Pineapple Bowl

Chere Ibrahim
by Chere Ibrahim
2 Servings
20 min

“Who lives in a pineapple under the sea?” Sorry @spongebob, my Rainbow Yogurt Pineapple Bowl is moving in 🤪 If you haven’t eaten your yogurt and fruit out of a pineapple, then you’re missing out! Not on is it beautiful and beyond aesthetically pleasing, but it’s so delicious and healthy!

I filled this pineapple with Greek honey vanilla yogurt and topped it with the most colorful summer fruits 🥝🍑🍓🍇 And of course, drizzled some sweet honey over the top! Not only was this healthy and delicious but also a fun breakfast treat! Show me your pineapple yogurt bowls, I dare you! 🍍🍍

Rainbow Yogurt Pineapple Bowl
Recipe details
  • 2  Servings
  • Prep time: 20 Minutes Cook time: 0 Minutes Total time: 20 min
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  • 1 Pineapple
  • 1 Kiwi (Diced)
  • 1 Peach (Diced)
  • 1/4 Cup Strawberry (Diced)
  • 1/4 Cup Raspberry (Diced)
  • Honey Greek Yogurt (2 Cups)
  • Honey for Drizzling
  • Quinoa Pops (1 Handful)

Start my cutting your pineapple in half. Try to leave the leaves intact for a more beautiful bowl. Spoon out the pineapple on the inside, creating a bowl. Fill the cleaned out pineapple with paper towel and place upside down to drain.
While your pineapple drains, prepare your fruit. You can use any fruit you like. Personally, I used kiwi, pineapple, peach, raspberry, strawberry, grapes, and blueberries.
Fill pineapple bowl with honey or plain Greek yogurt. Then layer your fruit ontop.
Drizzle over some honey and toss some Quinoa pops on top for an extra crunch!
  • Make sure you drain/dry out the pineapple once it has been cut open and cleaned out!
Chere Ibrahim
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  • Patrick Patrick on Sep 01, 2020

    I would be preparing this for myself so will the second one keep in the fridge for the next morning? Or should I keep the ingredients separate and put them together the next morning?

    • Amy Macdermott Amy Macdermott on Jul 23, 2024

      I would cut up the other half of the pineapple and either juice it or save it with your next meal
