Classic Green Goddess Dressing

Tammy | Chez Nous
by Tammy | Chez Nous
2 cups
15 min

Although Green Goddess Dressing has been around for about a hundred years, I haven't been familiar with it until recently. And I wonder where it has been all my life! Oh that's right ... I'm a Classic-French-Vinaigrette-on-Green-Salad kind of gal. But there are some salads that benefit from the flavors of a Green Goddess, for sure. In fact, check the end of this post for other ideas of foods to eat this dressing with. It's supremely versatile!

Why is called Green Goddess?

First of all ... because it is literally green from all the herbs! But why the "Goddess" part? Keep reading.

The Green Goddess Salad Dressing was created at San Francisco’s historical Palace Hotel in the 1920s. The hotel’s executive chef, Philip Roemer, named the dressing for English actor George Arliss (1868-1846), who stayed at the hotel during the time he performed in the play called The Green Goddess. Et voila!

As a matter of trivia ... this play was considered the best play of the 1920-21 Broadway season and it later became one of the earliest talking movies in 1930.

How to make Classic Green Goddess Dressing

There are lots of recipes for Green Goddess Dressing. Some newer ones call for yogurt, but the more traditional have a mixture of mayonnaise and sour cream. There's also debate about using chives or green onions. Or tarragon vinegar instead of fresh tarragon. Some quirky recipes even call for avocado and spinach!

I tend to be a traditionalist so this recipe is close to what the original intended. And it's delicious!

It couldn't be more simple than putting all of the ingredients into a blender jar. There's mayonnaise, sour cream, lemon juice, anchovies (use paste or jarred), garlic, and lots of herbs. Traditionally, the herbs are chives, tarragon, and parsley.

Ways to serve

Of course, Green Goddess Dressing is wonderful on salad, but it can also be served with crudites, grilled meats, fish, fried oysters, french fries ... just about anything you want to dip in a sauce or cover with a sauce can be complemented by the Green Goddess. And may I add ... "should be"?


Classic Green Goddess Dressing
Recipe details
  • 2  cups
  • Prep time: 15 Minutes Cook time: 0 Minutes Total time: 15 min
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  • ¾ cup sour cream
  • ¾ cup mayonnaise
  • 2 teaspoons anchovy paste or 3 tinned anchovy fillets
  • 1 small garlic clove
  • ½ cup fresh Italian parsley chopped
  • ¼ cup fresh tarragon chopped
  • 3 Tablespoons fresh chives chopped
  • 2 Tablespoons lemon juice from 1 lemon
  • ½ teaspoon salt
  • ¼ teaspoon black pepper

Place all the ingredients in the jar of a blender and process until smooth, 30-45 seconds.
Serve as a dip, drizzle over grilled meats, stir into a potato salad, or toss with salad greens.
  • It is important to use organic herbs. Herbs absorb so much not only through the roots, but also through the leaves. Pesticides have no place in this dessert or in your body! 
  • I know. I know. Anchovy paste or anchovies ... To be fully honest, it's a form of salt and flavor (umami) and you'll never taste "FISH". So get over your aversion, add it, and enjoy a full tasting salad dressing. 
Tammy | Chez Nous
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