6 people
18 min

Hi, I'm Cindy from Coches & Lavender where I share easy recipes as well as easy crafts and decorating inspiration.

I took this recipe and made it for single-serve and individual size because I love serving personal desserts.

These are truly very easy and delicious. These remind me of a small danish.

They are great for breakfast, a snack, or dessert, or add these to your table for brunch!

buttermilk flaky biscuits

I swear by these biscuits and use them every time!

solo pie and pastry filling

On my blog, I share links to everything needed for this simple single-size dessert!

melted butter
dipping the topside of the biscuit in butter
biscuits added to pan butter side down

Biscuits added to pan butter-side down and flattened slightly

butter, sugar, flour mixture

Butter, sugar, and flour mixture to make the crumble topping

adding the pastry filling

Adding a small amount of pie filling solo brand is the best. Again all links for the items and ingredients are on my blog!

flatten each biscuit with fingertips

Filling added, notice it's only a small amount

all filling added

All the pastry filling added

crumble topping

Crumble topping for each dessert. sprinkle on top

topping added

Topping added

taken out of the oven to cool slightly

Taken out of the oven to cool slightly

finished mini pastry

Finished easy Kolaches

A close-up

Recipe details
  • 6  people
  • Prep time: 8 Minutes Cook time: 10 Minutes Total time: 18 min
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  • 1 tube Pillsbury Buttermilk Flaky Layers Biscuits
  • 5 tbsp butter 3 tbsp butter melted, 2 tbsp of butter for the crumble topping
  • 1 or 2 cans Solo Pastry Filling Flavor is your choice or your favorite pie filling brand

Preheat the Oven to 375 degrees F
Step: 1 Split Canned Biscuits In Half
Open the biscuit can and split the dough pieces in half. This is how to make this mini-size dessert recipe. This is a straightforward step to do.
Step: 2 Melt Butter In The Microwave
Next step, melt 3 tablespoons of salted butter in a small microwave safe bowl for 20 seconds. If it isn’t all melted, no worries. stir or swirl the bowl a bit and it will melt. Dip one side of the biscuit half in the melted butter.
Dip the side of the biscuit in the butter and place the butter side up in the pan.
Optional: dip the other side of the dough too for an extra buttery finished Kolache. This makes these mini pastries extra delicious.
In the meantime, cut 2 tablespoons of butter for the crumb topping.
Also, open your pie filling. I always use Solo brand pie and pastry filling and every flavor is delicious. However, my favorite flavors are raspberry and almond which I’m using for this simple recipe for dessert.
Use your fingertips to slightly flatten dough rounds and add a bit of the pie filling to the center of the flattened biscuit.
Use your fingertips to slightly flatten dough rounds and add a bit of the pie filling to the center of the flattened biscuit.
Next, make the pastry topping add 2 tablespoons of butter, 1/4 cup of sugar, and 2 tablespoons of flour. Use a pastry cutter or a small fork, combine these ingredients to form a crumble topping, and set aside.
Finally, add the crumble mixture generously around the top of the mini Kolaches pastry.
Adding the crumble topping on the small-size pastry tops for these small desserts.
Bake for 10 minutes until they are lightly brown and serve.
These are a HUGE crowd-pleaser and fly off my table!
Cindy Cloches and Lavender
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