Baked Avocados Toast

Berta Lily
by Berta Lily
4 dishes
25 min

I had a lot of avocados in the fridge and I didn't want them to go bad! (The kids were really feeling avocados and so I bought a bunch and then they decided they weren't into them anymore.. don't you love when that happens).

I started by slicing half an onion and drizzling olive oil over them and placing it into an oven safe pan.

Then I halved two avocados.

I poured an egg into each half, some of the whites did spill out which is ok.

I added some cheese on top and seasoning. I am a fan of the everything but the bagel from Trader Joes.

I covered with foil and stuck it in the oven for 20 minutes at 350 degrees (I used my toaster over just because I don't want to heat the whole oven for one dish).

This came out SO good and even better then I had expected.

You can eat it by itself with a spoon for breakfast.

I decided to do like an avocado toast with hot sauce and placed the onions underneath since I am an onion fan. If you arent which I realize a lot of people are not as fond of onions as I am, they still adds a lot of flavor while cooking.

Recipe details
  • 4  dishes
  • Prep time: 5 Minutes Cook time: 20 Minutes Total time: 25 min
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  • 1/2 sliced onion
  • 2 avocados
  • 4 eggs
  • 1/4 cup shredded cheese
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • table spoon of olive oil

slice onion and drizzle with olive oil
half avocados and pour egg in them
cover with shredded cheese and seasoning
cover with foil and bake for 20 min at 350 degrees