Easy 5 Ingredient Homemade Mac and Cheese

6 servings
18 min

I grew up on mac and cheese at least once a week, oftentimes more. It was a lunch my mom could easily whip together in about 15 minutes. And it broke up the typical sandwiches a bit.

And now, I find myself doing the same thing. Mac and cheese is a great lunch or easy dinner option when Travis works late and it’s just the kids and me. My son is high class and loves when I throw a sliced-up hot dog in it too. We’re fancy over here.

Truthfully though, besides being easy, it’s much healthier than any box mixes you find. (And don’t let the “organic” label fool you, the ingredient list is still sketchy.) My kids much prefer our 5 ingredient mac and cheese to any of the boxed mixes. Real cheese is the way to go. And with how simple it is, you’ll never find yourself grabbing those powdered mac n cheese boxes ever again.

This 5 ingredient easy and delicious mac and cheese will leave you never resorting to boxed macaroni and cheese again.

Making mac and cheese

Start the water for the noodles to boil. Cook noodles as instructed on the box.

While noodles are cooking, heat up butter in a separate saucepan. While the butter is melting pour milk into a large coffee cup. My mom always mixed it in a coffee cup, so I do too. It’s small and easy to wash! Stir in the cornstarch with the milk. Once butter is melted, pour in the milk/cornstarch mixture.

Turn on medium heat until it starts to bubble and thicken. Once it’s thickening, add in the cheese and slowly stir until it all melts together. Place on low heat if necessary to prevent burning. Strain pasta and place back in the pan, pour cheese mixture over noodles, and stir well.

Add in salt and pepper to taste.

That’s it my friends! I told you it was simple!

Serve warm and enjoy! I hope this is a meal that gets put into rotation in your home from now on and it helps when you’re in need of an easy meal quickly.

For more recipes and to follow along with all my cooking, baking, and homesteading in real time, make sure we’re friends over on Instagram. Sharing in stories is my favorite!

Easy 5 Ingredient Homemade Mac and Cheese
Recipe details
  • 6  servings
  • Prep time: 3 Minutes Cook time: 15 Minutes Total time: 18 min
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  • 2 cups noodles of choice
  • 3 Tbsp butter
  • 2 Tbsp cornstarch
  • 1 1/2 cup milk
  • 5 1cm slices of brick cheese (I like cheddar and a bit of pepperjack for a small kick)

start the water for the noodles to boil. Cook noodles as instructed on the box.
While noodles are cooking, head up butter in a saucepan.
While the butter is melting pour milk into a large coffee cup. My mom always mixed it in a coffee cup, so I do too. Stir in the corn starch with the milk. Once butter is melted, pour in the milk/cornstarch mixture.
Turn onto medium heat until it starts to bubble and thicken. Once you can see it thickening, add in the cheese, and slowly stir until it all melts together. Place on low heat if necessary to prevent burning.
Strain pasta and place back in pan, pour cheese mixture over noodles and stir well. Add in salt and pepper to taste.
Serve warm and enjoy! It's truly that easy. I hope this is a meal that gets put into rotation in your home from now on!
Eryn | Eryn Whalen Online
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  • Jeannette, FL Jeannette, FL on Nov 07, 2022

    I’m looking forward to making this. You’re not kidding about the sketchy processed “food” available. Thank you for sharing.

  • Dana Dana on Nov 07, 2022

    To kick it into festive, I add a sleeve of ritz crackers on top, sometimes I’ll add a tomato sliced if I don’t have ritz…. To the top sprinkle with cheese and bake to ,ect and toast the cheese, yum!
