Salted Caramel Hot Chocolate With Salted Caramel Sauce Recipe

Julie Choksi
by Julie Choksi
1 Jar
55 min

I have upgraded classic hot chocolate recipe with salted caramel twist. Here presenting the recipe of hot chocolate with the best homemade salted caramel sauce. It's a perfect drink to warm you up on cold winter days.

This is super versatile recipe. you can adjust the consistency,sweetness and saltiness according to your taste.

The best thing is that you can store this caramel sauce in the fridge and use it wherever you crave for a warm drink.

I know hot chocolate must have cocoa butter(chocolate chunks) to differ from hot cocoa. But here I have used only cocoa powder(not chocolate chunks) to get that chocolatey flavor because i don't like my drink too sweet. I only wanted the sweetness from the salted caramel sauce.

If you want you can use both salted caramel sauce and semi-sweet(bitter-sweet) or dark chocolate to sweeten your hot chocolate. I just added few chocolate chunks on the top.

Here I have used whole milk and cooked it with cocoa powder and salted caramel sauce until slightly thickens. If you want really thick texture use half milk and half heavy cream. And cook until you get desired consistency.

To prepare the salted caramel sauce I've used regular salt you can use large flaky salt like sea salt. Add little at time and try if you need more salt. To prepare normal caramel sauce add 1/4 tsp salt do not leave it out.

Here is a video tutorial of the recipe....Let me know if you have any queries in the comments below...i would be happy to help.

Salted Caramel Hot Chocolate With Salted Caramel Sauce Recipe
Recipe details
  • 1  Jar
  • Prep time: 15 Minutes Cook time: 40 Minutes Total time: 55 min
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For Salted Caramel Sauce
  • 1/4 cup heavy cream
  • 1/2 cup unsalted butter
  • 1/2 cup sugar
  • 3/4 tsp salt
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 3 tbsp water
For Hot Chocolate
  • 1 cup milk(1/2 cup milk+1/2 cup heavy cream)
  • 1 tbsp cocoa powder/ 1 tbsp chopped chocolate(bitter sweet/dark chcocolate)
  • 2-3 tbsp Salted Caramel Sauce
  • Pinch of salt(If needed)
  • Chocolate chunks for topping
  • Dollop of whipped cream
  • Some caramel sauce for topping
For the Salted Caramel Sauce
Add 1/2 up sugar in heavy bottom pan and spread into an even layer.
Add 3 tbsp water and using a whisk mix sugar with water. Just to make sure all the sugar is soaked well.
Then turn the stove on medium heat. Do not touch the sugar once stove is turned on.
Let is simmer on medium heat without touching.
You can give the pan a swirl when sugar starts caramelizing.
When sugar gets caramelized (Amber color) add butter.
Whisk until butter is melted.
Once butter is melted turn the stove off and add the heavy cream little by little. And keep whisking until all the heavy cream is added.
then add vanilla extract and salt and mix well. And delicious salted caramel hot sauce us ready.
You can use it right away or once cooled down store this in an air tight container for 2 weeks(in refrigerator)
For Hot chocolate
In a sauce pan add milk with cocoa powder or bitter-sweet chocolate and mix well.
Then add 2-3 tbsp caramel sauce and mix well. Let it simmer on medium-high heat until you get desired consistency.
Once cooked turn off the heat and add pinch of salt if needed.
In a glass serve warm hot chocolate with some whipped cream on top. Drizzle some caramel sauce and add chocolate chunks if you want.
  • If you store caramel sauce in the fridge, it hardens a bit. Microwave for 15 seconds to get nice pouring consistency.
  • Here i have used cocoa powder to get chocolatey flavor and salted caramel sauce as a sweetener. Because i don't like my hot chocolate to be too sweet. I just added few chocolate chunks on top. But you can use both bitter-sweet chocolate and caramel sauce if you like.
  • For salted caramel sauce here i used regular salt but you can use any salt you like. but add little at a time and give it a try before adding more. You can add salt after preparing the sauce too.
  • To prepare normal caramel hot chocolate add 1/4 tsp of salt.Do not leave it out.
  • Here i have use whole milk. If you want your hot chocolate thicker and creamier add half milk and half heavy cream. And cook until you get desired consistency.
  • Teri Teri on Dec 13, 2020

    If you use the cocoa powder is that gonna make it sweet enough for the hot chocolate it’s self?

    • Julie Choksi Julie Choksi on Dec 14, 2020

      Hello Teri,

      I used both cocoa powder to get that chocolaty flavor and the salted cramel sauce to sweeten the drink. People sometimes use bitter-sweet or semi-sweet chcocolate chips instead of cocoa powder. I did that too but it was too sweet for me and chocolate overpowers the drink and you don't get that salted caramel flavor that much. This is what i think.

      Hope this helps you.

  • Coleen Coleen on Dec 13, 2020

    What Cocoa Powder did u use . (Name of it ) It was my favourite cupa in London I dont like it too sweet.

    • Julie Choksi Julie Choksi on Dec 14, 2020

      I used Hershey's unsweetened cocoa can use any cocoa powder that is unsweetened. You can get this in baking section of grocery store.

      If you don't like it too sweet just add cocoa powder and salted caramel sauce as described in the recipe.

      Sending you a picture 👇

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