Buttermilk Ice Cream

8 servings
45 min

A creamy light ice cream with a nice perky punch of buttermilk tang, a perfect summertime (or anytime) treat!

If you ask me, it’s tough to beat homemade, freshly made at that, dreamy creamy ice cream. Especially because you know what’s in it. And what’s not in it. And that’s practically priceless. Plus you can make any flavor or flavor combinations however plain or fantastical your heart desires.

As I’ve over-mentioned, I’m a big fan of ice cream. I love to eat it, love to make it, love it love it.

But Buttermilk Ice Cream I say. Yeah. This recipe began life in my kitchen likely because I needed to use up some buttermilk. Always the way when one buys some, right? And I was surely curious as to how ice cream with buttermilk would turn out. 

Looking for more ice cream recipes? I've got you covered at The Bake Dept!

This ice cream has got some tang to it. It’s not super sweet or overly whooo tangy but yeah, the buttermilk is forefront. And ya know what’s perfect, and I mean Per.Fect with it? The easy peasy Cocoa Hot Fudge. Yep. Seriously, turns out it’s a go-to, meant-to-be combo.

Ice cream though, for the most part, I generally follow the same procedure as it works for me and it always results in a lovely, richly creamy but yet light delicious treat, not eggy, not heavy, not overly sweet. 

And with something like buttermilk, the idea is to have that flavor forward, be supported rather than compete with eggs or be diluted, overpowered by vanilla or other flavors.

At this point, please feel free to stir in some chocolate chips or shavings or some toasted nuts, maybe something crunchy or anything your heart fancies. Or nothing at all. 

In the end, either which way, you end up with some fabulously delicious Buttermilk Ice Cream!

Be sure to drop by The Bake Dept for more on this (click the link below) and so many more tasty recipes!

Super yum! Enjoy!

Recipe details
  • 8  servings
  • Prep time: 20 Minutes Cook time: 25 Minutes Total time: 45 min
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  • 1 3/4 cup (414 ml) heavy cream
  • 1 1/4 cup (237 ml) buttermilk
  • 2 egg yolks or whole eggs, large
  • 1/2 cup (99 g) granulated sugar
  • 3 tablespoons (44 ml) honey
  • 1 teaspoon (5 g) vanilla
  • pinch fine sea salt

Warm the heavy cream in a saucepan over medium low heat.
While the cream is warming, set up an ice bath (a large bowl filled with ice with an empty bowl set within it) and pour the buttermilk into the bowl set over the ice. Skip this step if you plan to refrigerate the base.
In a separate bowl, whisk the egg yolks (or whole eggs) with the granulated sugar and honey. If using just egg yolks, whisk until the mixture turns a pale yellow.
Once the cream has warmed (avoid boiling the cream), slowly drizzle some into the egg mixture while whisking constantly to temper the eggs. Add more cream as necessary to warm the egg mix up.
Pour the egg mixture through a fine mesh strainer set atop the saucepan on the stove to strain out any cooked egg bits and bump the heat up to over medium, whisking constantly.
Once the custard base has thickened and it coats the back of a spoon, remove it from the heat and whisk in the vanilla and salt.
Pour the saucepan contents into the bowl with the buttermilk and stir gently. Cover with plastic wrap directly on the surface and cool to room temperature or cooler (or refrigerate until cold), then add the custard base to the ice cream maker and follow the manufacturer’s directions for churning.
When the ice cream is ready, scoop it into a freezer safe container, cover with foil, wax paper, or plastic wrap, and freeze until desired firmness.
  • Tips, tricks, details, and more great recipes can be found at The Bake Dept!
Becky at The Bake Dept
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