Sticky Miso Aubergine

The Last Bite
by The Last Bite
2 servings
12 min

Quick dinner recipe alert ⚠️

Miso sticky aubergine, crunchy kale and rice 🍆

This recipe is supppppper easy to make, tastes a dream…. And well loook at it!🔥 I served these slices on a bed of nutty brown rice, and simply fried off some kale on the side and the combo was outstanding.

I used a long aubergine, cut it into thin slice slices & marinated them overnight, if you dont have time then a few hours would suffice.

During my working week im so busy, but dont want to sacrifice a good, healthy and tasty dinner just because of lack of time, and if this is the case for you also then you must DEFFO try this recipe!

You could also serve this dish with different vegetables on the side depending on your preference, however the crispy kale works wonders with the soft and super flavoursome aubergine.

For more recipes using versatile vegetables as meat replacements, please check out my instagram

Recipe details
  • 2  servings
  • Prep time: 2 Minutes Cook time: 10 Minutes Total time: 12 min
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The whole meal
  • 1 long aubergine
  • See marinade instructions below
  • To serve... brown rice, some kale, 1 spring onion
Aubergine marinade
  • 1 tbsp soy sauce
  • 1 tbsp rice wine vinegar
  • 1 heaped tsp miso paste
  • 1 tsp ginger paste
  • 1 tsp sirracha hot sauce
  • 1 tsp maple syrup

Simply pan fry the pieces, flip to brown on both sides, then add the remaining marinade and allow it to thicken, Cut your aubergine into thin circle slices and marinade overnight ( in your marinade ingredients), or for a few hours at at least.
Then when ready to use, pan fry the pieces in a frying pan, flip to brown on both sides, then add the remaining marinade over the pieces and allow it to thicken.
Pan fry your kale in a seperate frying pan for a few minutes and season with salt and pepper. Serve the aubergine pieces on your cooked brown rice, and add your crispy kale and slices of spring onion.
  • Mikefitz Mikefitz on Dec 30, 2021

    I’m a little confused by the instruction. You say to fry the pieces, add the marinade and thicken it, then cut up the eggplant. Are you frying the eggplant whole then cutting it up or cutting it up first?

  • Ronnego Ronnego on Dec 30, 2021

    I see garlic in the picture but not in the recipe. I think it would make a good addition and will be adding garlic when I make this.
