Sticky Soy Maple Tofu

by Tikofoods
2 Servings
45 min

Crispy tofu is the best kind of tofu! I never used to like tofu, but when it's made right it is so yummy. Once this delicious sauce is added to the tofu, it doesn't make the tofu still stays crispy and doesn't get soggy at all. The sauce is so delicious and sticky, it thickens from the maple syrup but packs a punch from the chili flakes & pepper.

If you are unable to find gocharu, just substitute the marinated cucumbers for kimchi. Rice with this dish is optional but definitely recommended! I hope you enjoy this sticky tofu as much as I do.

You can find more recipes on my Instagram, @tikofoods

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Make this tasty dish with this bestseller extra firm tofu and maple syrup that Amazon reviewers swear by!

Recipe details
  • 2  Servings
  • Prep time: 15 Minutes Cook time: 30 Minutes Total time: 45 min
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  • 1 block of extra firm tofu
  • 1-2 cups corn flour
  • 2-4 tbsp vegetable oil
  • 4 tbsp soy sauce (light or dark)
  • 3 tbsp maple syrup
  • 1 tbsp chili flakes or fresh minced chili pepper
  • 1 tbsp ground pepper
  • 1/2 tbsp minced ginger
  • 2 gloves garlic, minced
  • 1 sliced scallions to garnish
  • cooked rice to serve (optional)
Marinated Cucumbers
  • 1 medium cucumber
  • 1/4 cup rice wine vinegar
  • 1 tbsp gocharu seasoning

Press tofu then cut into large cubes
Lightly coat in corn flour
Heat oil in a pan then fry each side in a pan using vegetable oil
Set aside on a paper towel lined dish to soak up excess oil
Make the sauce by combining the soy sauce, maple syrup, chili flakes, ground pepper, minced ginger, and minced garlic
Bring to a simmer and let it thicken
Mix tofu back in to cover in the sauce then serve with cucumbers and rice
Marinated Cucumbers
Small dice cucumber then marinate the chopped pieces in a bowl with rice wine vinegar and gocharu seasoning
Let sit for at least 20-30 minutes
Want more details about this and other recipes? Check out more here!
  • Nandini Nandini on May 06, 2022

    That’s an awful lot of cornflour, sure it’s not a typo? I have made similar tofu before just using 2-3 tbs of cornflour

    • Lynn Lynn on May 15, 2022

      I agree. I’m thinking it should be 1-2 Tbsp.
