Roasted Apple Jam

1 1/2 pints
1 hr 10 min

This no sugar, no pectin, easy peasy jam is an about-an-hour winner of ridiculous apple deliciousness.

I kid you not, this is a ridiculously simple jam to make, it helps you use up some of those apples you overbought (and who can blame you...apples yum), and with only a scant few ingredients sans sugar and pectin, you've got yourself a delicious fall (or anytime) treat.

Granted, yes, it's a bit like applesauce but when it's this tasty, who cares?!

Be sure to drop by The Bake Dept to find all sorts of terrific homemade things you can spread this on.

In the photos here, I've doubled the recipe as I had a bunch of apples I needed to use up, FYI -- the recipe below is for one single batch.

Generally speaking, it's as easy as reducing some cider by half and cooking down the apples until they're nice and soft. Mix the two, and voila! So easy!

Pack this up in some jars, if you can make it that far, and pop them in the fridge. Or gift them, if you can let them go!

You can also can the jam but I'm no canning expert. I boil the jars for 10 minutes and that seems to work.

In the end, you'll have Roasted Apple Jam and you will be a very very very happy camper.

Don't forget to swing by the blog post for more tips and details about this recipe then stay awhile for loads of baking goodness!

Recipe details
  • 1 1/2  pints
  • Prep time: 25 Minutes Cook time: 45 Minutes Total time: 1 hr 10 min
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  • 3 pounds apples (approx. 6 apples, 1361 g), mix varieties for best flavor and texture
  • 2 cups (473 ml) apple cider
  • 2 3-inch cinnamon sticks
  • 1 tablespoon (15 ml) apple cider vinegar
  • 1/4 cup (84 g) honey
  • 1 teaspoon (3 g) ground cinnamon
  • Grated zest and juice of 1 lemon, optional

Begin by peeling and coring the apples, then slicing them thinly, approximately 1/8" thick.
In a small saucepan, bring the apple cider, cinnamon sticks, and vinegar to a low boil and reduce to half, about 1 cup, anywhere from 15-30 minutes.
Heat the honey on low in a skillet, pan or dutch oven large enough to hold the apples until the honey is foaming and has changed to a very lightly browned color, around 5 minutes.
Add the cinnamon and the apples to the pan, stirring to combine everything and raise the heat to about medium or medium-low. Cook the apples, stirring occasionally with a heat-safe utensil, until they have softened, about 30-35 minutes.
Remove and discard the cinnamon sticks from the reduced cider and add the cider to the softened apples, stirring to combine thoroughly. Simmer until most of the liquid is absorbed, about 5-8 minutes, stirring occasionally.
Remove the pan from the heat and add the optional grated lemon zest and lemon juice to taste. Mash or puree if/as desired.
Let the apple jam cool then scoop it into jars. Keep refrigerated for about 2 weeks. This recipe can also be canned for longer term, shelf-stable storage.
  • Drop by The Bake Dept (.com) for extra tips, tricks, and details about this recipe and discover so many other fabulousness!
Becky at The Bake Dept
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  • Redcatcec Redcatcec on Nov 16, 2021

    How is this considered roasted, everything is done outside the oven?

    • Becky at The Bake Dept Becky at The Bake Dept on Nov 17, 2021

      The definition of roasted is “cooked by prolonged exposure to heat in an oven or over fire” but regardless of the definition, it’s a terrific recipe you ought to try.

  • Redcatcec Redcatcec on Nov 17, 2021

    Yes, thanks for the clarification on roasted! Yes, I will definately make this, also because no added sugar. The other year we made our own sugar free apple and pear cider. Your recipe sounds delicious.
