Making a Store Bought Ginger Bread House or Zombie House Like a Pro

Berta Lily
by Berta Lily
1 cookie house
35 min

Target sells a bunch of holiday "ginger bread house kits" both for Halloween (zombie house) and of course for Christmas as well. I wanted to do this cute craft with the bean but when I looked at reviews they were all HORRIBLE. I decided to get the zombie house anyway and my discovery is that the majority of folks don't know some key hacks that can take this kit from a frustrating mess to a great time with the kiddos!

One negative review I saw over and over again was that when you attempted to break the cookie pieces apart along the "perforated" lines, they would crumble. This IS true! I don't attempt to break them, I use a steak knife to cut into the grooves. This causes zero breakage.

The other complaint I saw was that the icing was too hard for little hands to squeeze and this was also true! But all you need to do is microwave the bag for 5 seconds. Now the package does say NOT to microwave so that one is at everyone's discretion. In my opinion this is just so it doesn't explode and 5 seconds isn't going to do that.

The last complaint I saw that was the cookie pieces fell over easily. The way around this is to "mortar" the bottom onto the little paper provided and the sides. The main icing was pretty sticky and I thought it did a good job holding up the house.

Then just let your little one use their creativity designing their own zombie/Christmas house! It doesn't hurt to have some candy eyes too (not included).

Looks just like the pic, and no frustration involved!

Making a Store Bought Ginger Bread House or Zombie House Like a Pro
Recipe details
  • 1  cookie house
  • Prep time: 5 Minutes Cook time: 30 Minutes Total time: 35 min
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  • 1 store bought cookie house
  • candy eyes to add (optional)

cut the cookie parts with a steak knife rather then breaking
microwave the icing but ONLY for 5 seconds
  • We do these more for a craft then a snack but my final tip if your kiddos like to actually eat the cookies is to put them over night in a air tight Tupperware with a slice of white bread to make them edible!