Roasted Asparagus With Parmesan & Lemon

4 servings
18 min

We have discovered a delicious, addictive way to prepare asparagus: oven-roasted, crusted with freshly grated parmesan and panko breadcrumbs, topped with a squirt of fresh lemon. I mean...drool 🤤! This roasted asparagus is packed with flavor and the perfect amount of crunch!

plated roasted asparagus with parmesan crumbles and lemon wedges

There are so many ways to prepare asparagus, but baking the veggie with parmesan and panko bread crumbs tops the charts in our house! Everyone always loves it, especially the garlicky, crispy parmesan bits left on the pan. That's the good stuff! I can say with confidence that this asparagus has been kid & adult tested, with resounding approval and requests for more 👍

It's fun to eat these with your hands like 'asparagus fries,' and pair with a favorite sandwich, like our Old Fashioned Sloppy Joes and Turkey Burger Sliders.

💚 5 Reasons Why You'll Love our Roasted Asparagus with Parmesan

  1. Quick and easy- This can take 12 minutes or less in the oven, and it's incredibly simple. In fact, my daughter did most of the work on her own.
  2. Simple ingredients- Aside from the fresh ingredients (asparagus & lemon), you only need panko*, parmesan, olive oil and basic seasonings!
  3. Crunchy and crispy! You will love biting into this golden brown, crispy asparagus!
  4. Kid-friendly! Kids can treat this asparagus like fries and dip them in their favorite sauce!
  5. A hit with veggie haters- Try this on the veggie-averse people in your life and you'll be pleasantly surprised! Everyone ends up loving this asparagus!

*If you're unfamiliar with them, panko breadcrumbs can normally be found in the baking aisle at the store.

🛒 Ingredients
Not pictured: lemon 🍋

Notes on Ingredients:

  • Asparagus spears- use fresh (not frozen), with woody ends removed.
  • Panko bread crumbs will make your asparagus crunchier than traditional bread crumbs.
  • Parmesan- pre-shredded is totally fine (and saves time!), but freshly grated is the best.

See recipe card below for quantities.

👩🏾‍🍳 Instructions
rinsing asparagus spears in sink in red colander

Rinse, dry and snip off woody ends of asparagus.

hand pouring olive oil onto baking sheet asparagus

Spread out asparagus spears on a large baking sheet/sheet pan. Drizzle with olive oil. Roll asparagus to ensure oil is evenly distributed.

pouring parmesan panko mix over the asparagus in pan

Combine seasoning, panko and parmesan in small bowl, then sprinkle evenly over asparagus, rolling asparagus to ensure evenly coated.

putting pan of parmesan crusted asparagus into oven

Bake for 10-12 minutes at 350 Fahrenheit or until ends are starting to brown. Note: if the asparagus is extra thick, it may need about 2 extra minutes in the oven.

🥄 Kid Steps: Kids can do pretty much every step in this recipe! Specifically, kids may like to rinse, dry and cut off ends of asparagus. They can use their hands to break off the ends. Or they can snip off the ends with these cute Kuhn Rikon snippers.

roasted asparagus in pan with panko parmesan crust
✔️ Expert Tips and Tricks

  • Use fresh asparagus for best results.
  • To trim asparagus, snap off woody ends right where you see the green part begin to turn white. You can do this with your hands OR for tools, we recommend OXO kitchen shears for adults and Kuhn Rikon little snippers for kids.
  • Don't overcrowd asparagus on baking sheet or you may not get that crunchy finish. If necessary, use two baking sheets instead of one.
  • Panko mix: It makes a lot. You don't have to use all the panko mix if it's too much.
  • Cook less time - if you overcook the asparagus, it may become soggy. Check the asparagus after 8-10 minutes. It's done if the breading is well browned and a fork can easily pierce the thickest part of the asparagus.
  • Cook extra time - if the asparagus is extra thick, it may need about 2 extra minutes in the oven.
  • Don't forget the lemon! 🍋 That final squirt of lemon juice adds a pop of flavor that brightens and completes the dish!

🔄 Substitutions

Baking sheet - We use a rimmed baking sheet. However, you could also use a cookie sheet, a sheet pan covered with oil-sprayed foil, or a greased casserole dish. Side note: I found a helpful blurb about the difference between baking sheets, cookie sheets and jelly roll pans.

Seasonings - Soooo many herbs and spices work with this! To name a few...steak seasoning, onion powder, red pepper flakes, rosemary, parsley and more!

Breadcrumbs - Panko breadcrumbs are the ultimate for crunch, but traditional bread crumbs will also work.

Gluten-free [GF] option - Use GF panko breadcrumbs or simply stick with parmesan. It won't be as crunchy, but still have the flavor!

roasted asparagus with parmesan panko crumbles and lemon on plates

How long should you roast asparagus in the oven?

We recommend roasting the asparagus for 10-12 minutes at 350° Farenheit. However, asparagus can be cooked in the oven anywhere from 350° to 425° F, the time ranging from 8 to 20 minutes. Because asparagus grows at different thicknesses, a safe bet is to check your asparagus after 8-10 minutes. The asparagus is done if you can easily pierce the thickest part with a fork.

What flavors go well with roasted asparagus?

We love to pair roasted asparagus with parmesan, garlic, lemon, Italian seasoning, salt and pepper. Other great flavors are: garlic butter, other hard nutty cheeses, onion, balsamic vinegar, steak seasoning, bacon, and prosciutto.

Asparagus pairs amazingly with fish, any meat dish and Italian food. It's really fun to have the roasted asparagus as 'fries' with a burger or sandwich, like our turkey burger sliders. You can dip it in garlic aioli sauce, ranch dressing, or honey mustard. Or have it as a delicious snack, on its own!

How do I store the leftovers?

Ideally and realistically (because it's so darn good), you won't have leftovers. Because of the crunchy breading, this parmesan asparagus is best served immediately. If you do have some leftover, consider reheating in the toaster oven or oven for 3-6 minutes.

girl eating roasted asparagus
boy eating roasted asparagus
👶🏽 Tips for Picky Eaters

Honestly, my kids and my sister's kids all loved this roasted asparagus as is. BUT...if your kids are hesitant to try it or you need to alter the recipe, here are some ideas:

  • Encourage the kids to eat the asparagus spears with their hands, like little asparagus fries. This is a way more fun way to eat!
  • Have your kid try a crispy bit of cheese off the pan first - that will hook them in, lol.
  • Adjust the seasonings to what your kid likes. Increase or decrease the cheese. You can also roast the asparagus with just oil, salt and pepper, and have your kiddo sprinkle cheese on their own asparagus when plated.
  • Add some meat! You can roast this asparagus with bits of prosciutto or bacon.
  • Add a dip! Honey mustard, ranch, whatever.

🧶 Craft for our Roasted Asparagus with Parmesan!
bunch of playfood paper asparagus tied together with a string

Playfood Asparagus! In three easy steps, your kids can make a super cute bunch of playfood asparagus. Kids can play with this pretend asparagus over and over again, creating all kinds of fun meals. This craft inspires both imagination and curiosity around different foods. Bonus: you likely already have most of the supplies at home.

🍽 If You Like Asparagus...

Pan Seared Scallops with Vegetables and Lemon

Three Cheese Pasta with Lemon, Cherry Tomatoes & Asparagus

Lemon & Garlic Shrimp with Asparagus

Asparagus Pasta Salad with Prosciutto & Lemon

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Roasted Asparagus With Parmesan & Lemon
Recipe details
  • 4  servings
  • Prep time: 6 Minutes Cook time: 12 Minutes Total time: 18 min
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  • ▢ 1 pound asparagus woody ends removed
  • ▢ 2 Tablespoon olive oil
  • ▢ 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • ▢ 1/4 teaspoon ground black pepper
  • ▢ 1/4 teaspoon Italian Seasoning
  • ▢ 1/4 teaspoon garlic powder
  • ▢ 1/3 cup Panko Bread Crumbs
  • ▢ 1/3 cup parmesan grated or finely shredded
  • ▢ 1-2 lemons cut into wedges

Heat oven to 350° Fahrenheit. Meanwhile, rinse, dry and snip off woody ends of asparagus.
Spread out asparagus spears on baking sheet. Drizzle with olive oil. Roll asparagus to ensure oil is evenly distributed.
Combine seasonings, panko and parmesan in small bowl, then sprinkle evenly over asparagus, rolling asparagus to ensure evenly coated.
Bake asparagus for 10-12 minutes at 350° or until a fork slides easily through the thickest part.
  • Use fresh asparagus for best results.
  • To trim asparagus, snap off woody ends right where you see the green part begin to turn white. You can do this with your hands OR for tools, we recommend OXO kitchen shears for adults and Kuhn Rikon little snippers for kids.
  • Don't overcrowd asparagus on sheet pan or you may not get that crunchy finish. If necessary, use two baking sheets instead of one.
  • Panko mix: you don't have to use all the panko mix if it's too much.
  • Cook less time - if you overcook the asparagus, it may become soggy. Check the asparagus after 8-10 minutes. It's done if the breading is well browned and a fork can easily pierce the thickest part of the asparagus.
  • Cook extra time - if the asparagus is extra thick, it may need about 2 extra minutes in the oven.
  • Serve with a wedge of lemon per serving. Don't skip this because it totally completes the dish!
Marcie and Julie at Platein28
Want more details about this and other recipes? Check out more here!
  • Love this! Had asparagus with dinner this evening. Scored some marvelous fresh asparagus for a dollar a pound. Blanched some and used my food saver and popped in the freezer for future use.

    This is a fantastic recipe! Sometimes I add in fresh thyme for a fun twist. Thanks for sharing.

  • Jac29516419 Jac29516419 on May 03, 2024

    I am on a salt reduced diet. Not able to find sodium count for this dish. Otherwise, looks yummy.
