Sourdough Sandwich Bread

2 loaves
10 hr 40 min

I have always loved sourdough bread even as a child. When I found this recipe I tweaked it to fit my day and it always turns out yummy. I do add an egg wash on top before baking. If you have your sourdough starter active then you are good to go to make this recipe. Sometimes I add i another teaspoon of sugar just to make it a little sweeter. I always add more flour and warm water to my starter to get a good activation to it. I wait a couple of hours until it is nice and bubbly. Then I start mixing and raising the dough. I always have it ready by dinner time. But it does matter on the temperature of your home. I always put it in the warmest room in the colder months to get it raising better. It really is easy to make we no longer buy the sandwich bread and justy us this instead my husband says it is better on his stomach.

Love how they turn out.

Mixing the butter.

Here is my starter.

Mixing it all up.

Ready for the first rise. This will not be a wet dough it will be a somewhat dry dough at first.

After it has risen.

I shape into two loaves and bake.

Recipe details
  • 2  loaves
  • Prep time: 10 Hours Cook time: 40 Minutes Total time: 10 hr 40 min
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  • 1/2 C softened butter
  • 2 -3 T sugar
  • 2 t salt
  • 1 C active sourdough starter
  • 2 1/2 C luke warm water
  • 8 C all purpose flour or bread flour
To a mixer, I use my stand mixer, add all of the ingredients to the bowl add in your flour a little bit at a time.
Mix until it pulls away from the sides of the bowl.
Knead for about 6 minutes.
Let rise in a warm place until doubled.
Punch down your dough and divide into two loaves.
Put into the loaf pans and let rise.
Bake at 375 degrees for about 40 minutes.
Butter the tops of the loaves.
Let cool completely.
  • I activate my starter with new flour and warm water first thing in the morning so I can have bread ready by dinner time.
  • You can add an egg wash t the tops of your loaves before baking.