Parmesan Roasted Broccoli

by Kendall
6 cups
20 min

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Calling all broccoli lovers and all those soon to be converted! This roasted broccoli recipe really takes things up a notch! Think of regular roasted broccoli but with all-star status jazz hands.

Tender on the inside, yet crispy on the outside, with pops of salty, citrusy, and nutty goodness. It’s the perfect vegetarian side dish to absolutely any main course. And it could not be easier to prepare! Once you try it, you won’t eat broccoli in any other way!

First things first. Broccoli might just be one of favourite vegetables.

Even as I type those words I can see, from 550+ miles away, my mother’s jaw hitting the ground.

I was the pickiest of eaters as a kid and really gave my parents a run for their money. I followed a very strict diet of, “if it has colour, I don’t want it”. White pasta with no sauce. White bread with butter. Chicken nuggets with honey (yes, actually!). Try as they may, my parents could not get a vegetable or fruit into my tiny little system.

So, let me take a brief pause to say, “I’m really sorry, mom and dad”. For all the times you told me “Kendall, you don’t know what you’re missing!”, I would like you to know…you were right.

If you’re a parent and this sounds all too familiar, here is a broccoli recipe just for you. Your picky eaters will thank you…one day.

Tips for the perfect roasted broccoli

Broccoli can be a bit tricky to get just right, but if you follow these simple tips, you’ll be well on your way to making the perfect roasted broccoli every time.

The first key is to cut your broccoli florets into similarly sized pieces to ensure they all cook evenly on your pan. They should be bite-sized for easy serving.

The next key to success is spreading your chopped broccoli on the pan so that there is a bit of space between the florets. I use two pans to fit the full recipe. Giving the florets room to breathe ensures they don’t get soggy in the oven. And, trust me, NOBODY wants soggy broccoli!

Finally, make sure you are roasting at a high temperature so that the heads get slightly crispy, but aren’t spending a ton of time in the oven. For me, that means 425 degrees. I would recommend staying above 400 but below 450, depending on how strong your oven tends to be.

How to make parmesan roasted broccoli

For this recipe you only need seven simple ingredients: broccoli, parmesan cheese, slivered almonds, olive oil, lemon, salt, and red pepper flakes (optional).

Once you have your broccoli florets cut into even, bite-sized pieces, toss them in a bowl with your olive oil. Place the broccoli on one or two baking sheets, with space between each floret, as explained in the tips above.

Sprinkle the broccoli with your spices (photo 1 below) and parmesan cheese (photo 2 below) before placing in the oven and roasting for 10 minutes.

Be prepared for your mouth to start watering at this point! The smell of parmesan cheese baking in the oven is out of this world!

After you’ve roasted your parmesan covered broccoli for 10 minutes, remove from the oven and spread the slivered almonds evenly across your baking sheet(s) (photos 3 and 4 below). Place back in the oven for five to seven minutes. Be sure to watch closely so the almonds don’t burn! Remove from the oven when the almonds are nicely toasted and golden brown (photos 5 and 6 below). Lastly, sprinkle your freshly squeezed lemon juice over all the pieces and serve!

Modifications, substitutions and pairings

If you follow a vegan diet, you can make this recipe with a vegan cheese or omit the cheese altogether. The almonds and lemon still offer a lot of flavour on their own!

I love adding red chilli flakes to this recipe because I really enjoy the kick they bring. If you tend to like things a bit more mild, omit the chilli flakes. Try some garlic powder instead!

This parmesan roasted broccoli recipe is the perfect side kick to absolutely any main dish. If you don’t follow a vegetarian diet, pair it with a nice piece of steak or fish. Try The Roasted Root’s Go-To Crispy Salmon. For those who don’t eat meat, try it alongside my Creamy Keto Tomato Soup!

Looking for other great side-dish ideas to accompany your mains? Try these two delicious creations from Who Needs Salad?: Grilled Artichoke Hearts, Roasted Brussels Sprouts with Tempeh Bacon Crumble.

I’d love to hear how you plan on enjoying this parmesan roasted broccoli! Share your ideas in the comments below and tag @thebespokebites on Instagram with a picture of your creation!

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Recipe details
  • 6  cups
  • Prep time: 5 Minutes Cook time: 15 Minutes Total time: 20 min
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  • 6 cups broccoli florets
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 1/4 teaspoon Kosher salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon red pepper chilli flakes (optional)
  • 1/3 cup freshly grated Parmesan cheese
  • 1/4 cup slivered almonds
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice; Juice from about half a lemon

Preheat oven to 425 degrees.
Cut broccoli florets into even, bite-sized pieces and toss in a bowl with the olive oil to evenly coat. Spread the broccoli on one or two baking sheets so that there is a bit of space between each floret as explained above. Sprinkle with the salt, red pepper chilli flakes if you are using them, and freshly grated parmesan cheese.
Bake for 10 minutes. Remove from oven and sprinkle with slivered almonds. Return to oven and bake for an additional 5-7 minutes, watching closely that the almonds don’t burn.
Remove from oven, cover evenly with lemon juice, and serve as a side to your favourite main dish!
Want more details about this and other recipes? Check out more here!
  • Aimee Aimee on May 11, 2021

    I love how simple this is. It looks so tasty!

  • Jan32073624 Jan32073624 on May 28, 2024

    Why not toss the broccoli with the seasonings and Parmesan cheese in the bowl so they end up on the broccoli and not on the baking sheet?
