Spongy and Soft Milk Buns

by Hinda
10 buns
1 hr 55 min

today, I'm very happy to come back with a nice and a bright recipe to enjoy with your kids and grandkids this summer. It was a while ago since i posted my last article. being a busy mom is not easy, all the focus is on how to finish your daily tasks and get to bed lol!. but when i made these buns i immediately wanted to share it with you. i'm sure there is several milk buns recipes all over the world but to me, this one was my favorite. it became an addiction at home. it is soft. has no hard crust at all, little bit sweet to balance the salty fillings such as hot dogs, cheese, charcuterie, tuna, eggs, chicken sandwiches. also, heavenly delicious with butter/ peanut butter and jam, Nutella, honey, lemon curds, almond butter sandwiches. you can eat them even plain with nothing on it.

this recipe makes 10 buns. believe me, if was gone in two days lol! i had to double the measurements the second time i made it.

Spongy and Soft Milk Buns
Recipe details
  • 10  buns
  • Prep time: 90 Minutes Cook time: 25 Minutes Total time: 1 hr 55 min
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for the dough
  • 3 cups all-purpose flour + pinch of salt
  • 1 cup warm milk
  • 3 tablespoons sugar
  • 1 tablespoon yeast
  • 2.5 tablespoons butter (room temperature)
  • egg wash or milk for brushing the buns

mix the yeast with the warm milk and the sugar - this is our liquid mixture
in a bowl pour the flour + salt
add the liquid mixture and mix. then add the butter gradually.
knead the dough until it doesn't stick to the bowl anymore.
cover and proof for 30 minutes.
release the gas and shape 10 balls.
flatten the balls and roll them to a sausage shape. proof for 30 minutes until they double in size,
brush with milk or a egg wash (eggs+milk)
bake for 25 minutes at 350F degrees.
  • NOTE: the buns will bake very fast, stay close to the oven and check the bottom of your buns after 10 minutes of baking.
  • usually, when i start smell the bread all over the house i know the bottom is baked. i double check and i turn on the broiler on.