Russian Pelmeni Recipe (Russian Meat Dumplings)

Lazy Home Cook
by Lazy Home Cook
45 Dumplings
45 min

An authentic Russian recipe for delicious homemade pelmeni.

An authentic Russian recipe for delicious homemade pelmeni. Russian dumplings are filled with juicy beef, onions, garlic and fresh herbs. They are boiled in water, tossed in butter and served with sour cream or vinegar. I guess it’s the combination of the homemade dough and tasty beef filling that turns pelmeni into a dish that no one can resist!

The dumplings are a traditional Russian food. Back in the old days, the whole family would gather to make pelmeni. They made kilograms of Russian dumplings and then froze them in bags outside, near their door. I imagine that it was more or less of a social gathering, after banya (Russian sauna), just talking and preparing delicious food that would help them get through the long and cold Russian winter.

For more information check the original Russian pelmeni post on my website

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Russian Pelmeni Recipe (Russian Meat Dumplings)
Recipe details
  • 45  Dumplings
  • Prep time: 30 Minutes Cook time: 15 Minutes Total time: 45 min
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  • 420 gr all purpose flour
  • 1 egg
  • 240 ml lukewarm water
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 20 gr fresh parsley, chopped
  • 350 gr minced beef
  • 1 onion, finely chopped
  • 1 garlic clove, minced
  • 3 bay leaf
  • salt/peper

Sieve flour into a big bowl, add salt and mix.
Make a well in the center, crack an egg into the center and use a fork to stir the egg into the flour.
Then, slowly add water while kneading and knead until the dough forms a sticky ball.
Transfer the dough onto a floured surface and knead until the dough is soft, about 5 minutes. The dough should not be sticky by now. Cover the dough with a damp cloth and let it rest for 1 hour.
Now, add oil to a pan and cook onion and garlic until translucent. Remove from heat and allow to cool.
Then add garlic, onion, fresh parsley and meat to a bowl, and mix until thoroughly combined. Season with salt and pepper.
After 1 hour, turn to the dough. Knead it for about 1 min on a lightly floured surface and roll out into 3 mm thick*.
Cut out 7 cm diameter circles, you can use a drinking glass for this or a cookie cutter. Roll out and reuse the extra dough to make more circles. Make sure to cover the dough that you are not using with a damp cloth, so that it doesn't dry out.
Put 1 tsp of meat mix in the center of each circle, fold the dumplings in half and pinch to seal the pelmeni shut.
Bring a big pot of salted water to a boil with 3 bay leaves.
Drop about 15 pelmeni into the boiling water, and stir to prevent pelmeni from sticking.
Boil until the meat and dough is cooked through for about 10 minutes (pelmeni should be floating). Remove from water and serve with sour cream or vinegar.
  • *Flour the surface very minimal, or pelmeni won't seal properly.
Lazy Home Cook
Want more details about this and other recipes? Check out more here!
  • Joyce Joyce on May 24, 2021

    Can't wait to make this. Ty!

    • Lazy Home Cook Lazy Home Cook on May 25, 2021

      Hi Joyce,

      You're welcome. I hope you'll love it as much as I do :)

      Have a great day,


  • Sam12111755 Sam12111755 on Apr 15, 2022

    I've never used gr as a measurement. What does it stand for? I want to make these dumplings but not sure of that measurement. Thanks! Excited to make these dumplings!

    • See 1 previous
    • Mary Mary on May 25, 2024

