Black Bean and Lentil Meatballs

Marvelous Munch
by Marvelous Munch
4 Servings
45 min

Our Black Bean and Lentil Meatballs are delicious and a great source of protein if you’re a Vegetarian. If you’d like to make this truly vegetarian, you can substitute vegetable stock for our beef broth we used in the lentils.

Meat is hard to find in times like this. When we go to the grocery store we can either pay premium prices for the “Grass Fed” beef or we have to get creative. We decided to get creative this week by making out Black Bean and Lentil Meatballs.

Val put hers over a feta spread that consisted of feta, lemon and olive oil blended together. I decided to go back to my Italian roots and make a nice marinara for mine. I’m not going to sit here and say “They’re so good you won’t even know its not meat”, because you will. But, I will say, these Black Bean and Lentil Meatballs are delicious and an amazing substitute for meat. Our goal is to try and bring easy to find ingredients to make different recipes. I think we knocked this one out of the park.

The possibilities are endless for what you can do with these meatballs. The feta spread and marinara were the first things that came to our minds. Later, I went on to use the balls for a “Meatball Sub”. We also had plenty so we used them with an Alfredo sauce a couple nights later. Lets just say we are trying to ease our way into the Quaratine15. You can throw them into a gyro or even cut them in half and put them on top of a homemade pizza. Whatever you do, we just hope you enjoy them.

We will continue to bring you more creative twists on recipes like this one. We truly hope you enjoy our Black Bean and Lentil Meatballs and as always, from our kitchen to yours, cheers!

Black Bean and Lentil Meatballs
Recipe details
  • 4  Servings
  • Prep time: 30 Minutes Cook time: 15 Minutes Total time: 45 min
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  • 2 cans black beans
  • ¼ yellow onion minced
  • 2 cloves garlic minced
  • 1 cup green lentils rinsed
  • 1 tbsp cumin
  • 1 tbsp chili powder
  • 1 tbsp paprika
  • 1 egg
  • ¾ cup plain bread crumbs
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • 3 tbsp olive oil

Cook lentils in beef broth instead of water and set aside
Open and rinse black bean cans and mince garlic and onion
Add all ingredients (including spices and egg) in a big bowl and pulse them together with a hand blender or mash up with hands
Once nice and mixed, start taking out spoonfuls and forming them into balls
In a skillet with oil over high heat begin to lightly place the balls in
The skillet is to get a nice crisp outter skin on them because everything is technically ready to eat in the bowl, this just adds texture
Once the lentil balls are fried to your desired liking, they're ready to eat!
Marvelous Munch
Want more details about this and other recipes? Check out more here!
  • Amy Amy on Aug 17, 2020

    Can you bake these?

    • Marvelous Munch Marvelous Munch on Sep 17, 2020

      You can, but the reason we saute them is to get the nice crispy outer skin. If you'd bake them I would imagine doing it for 15-20 minutes on 350 degrees should do the trick. But we do highly recommend sauteing them to get the crispiness! Sorry for the late response Amy, we weren't getting notified of comment for a minute.

  • Windy Windy on Sep 08, 2020

    I am so happy you shared this recipe. I had a recipe like this years ago and lost it. Delicious.
