Baked Maple Sweet Potato Tots

by Gina
4 servings
35 min

These baked sweet potato tots are infused with real maple syrup for a deep fall flavor and served with a dijon maple dipping sauce.

Of all the food words out there that get people really crazy, I’d say that ‘tater tots’ is high up on the list.

People freakin’ love those things.

These baked sweet potato tots are infused with real maple syrup for a deep fall flavor and served with a dijon maple dipping sauce.

I feel like I missed out on this quintessential American food obsession because tater tots were never a thing in our house.

If we got frozen pizza once a month, I considered that a h-u-g-e win. Tater tots weren’t even on my mom’s radar.

This is the part where you can feel bad for me.

Fast forward to the era of crazy Buzzfeed-worthy viral food concoctions and I feel like tater tots are in every other one of them (from totchos to tater tot burgers to mac ‘n cheese topped with tater tots).

So in the spirit of the tot, these baked maple sweet potato tots are my healthier, heartier and dare I even say tastier, version of America’s favorite carb-y, grease laden potato invention.

These baked sweet potato tots with dijon maple dipping sauce make a great healthy, fall appetizer.

My favorite thing about these sweet potato tots is the Canadian pure maple syrup flavor both in them and in the dijon dipping sauce.

It brings a lovely hint of sweetness to the savory potato flavor in the tots and honestly, tastes so deliciously sweet in the dipping sauce, it gives my all-time favorite Polynesian sauce from Chick-fil-A a run for its money.

They may not be as cute (ok, and as crunchy as that fried-greasy coating of a real tater tot) but, if you’re looking for a fun, bite-sized tot you can feel good about eating, these are calling your name.

Looking for a healthier fall appetizer? These baked sweet potato tots with maple dijon dipping sauce are the perfect fit!

I’ve been making up for lost tater-tot time with a batch every time I sit down to binge watch Gilmore Girls (yeah, I know, late to that game by like 10 years) so I can get to these new episodes!

Need more “tot-like” goodness in your life? Check out my cauliflower gnocchi made in the air fryer. They’re so insanely crispy and dunkable!

Baked Maple Sweet Potato Tots
Recipe details
  • 4  servings
  • Prep time: 30 Minutes Cook time: 5 Minutes Total time: 35 min
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  • 1 pound chopped sweet potatoes
  • 1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil
  • 2 tablespoons Canadian maple syrup
  • salt and pepper
  • 1 small red onion, chopped
  • 1 clove garlic
  • 1/4 cup all-purpose flour
  • 1/2 cup panko breadcrumbs
  • 1/4 cup almond flour
  • 1 teaspoon smoked paprika
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground mustard
Dipping sauce
  • 2 tablespoons stone ground dijon mustard
  • 1 1/2 tablespoons maple syrup

Preheat oven to 400 degrees.
Toss sweet potatoes with the olive oil, maple syrup, salt and pepper on a baking sheet. Roast for 15 minutes in the oven.
Remove from oven and transfer the sweet potatoes to a food processor.
Add the onion, garlic, flours, breadcrumbs and spices to the food processor. Process until well combined and mixture starts to form a ball. Season with salt and pepper to taste.
With wet hands, roll the mixture into tot shape and place on the same baking sheet.
Broil the tots 2-3 minutes per side until browned.
Make the dipping sauce by whisking the mustard and maple syrup together in a small bowl.
Serve the tots hot, straight out of the oven with the dipping sauce.
Want more details about this and other recipes? Check out more here!