Vegetarian Rice Soup With Mushrooms

4 servings
35 min

We all have things on menus that the second we see them, we know we are going to order that. For me, that is any type of rice soup. Whether that is traditional avgolemono at Greek diners, or Creamy Chicken and Rice soup from Panera, the second I see the restaurant has it, I know that is what I am going to order! I love everything about it. Creamy broth with tender rice, and sometimes there are add-ins like veggies or chicken! It is absolutely comforting and delicious. It also makes me think of autumn or a rainy day, even though wild rice soup can be be enjoyed any time! This cozy vegetarian wild rice soup with mushrooms is the perfect comforting dish. I used cremini mushrooms to give it some more heartiness, and an Uncle Ben's Wild Rice packet to give lots of flavor-- the seasonings are included which makes creating this dish even easier. This Vegetarian Rice Soup with mushrooms is going to knock your socks off!

More delicious soup recipes


  • 6 cups vegetable stock
  • Ā½ cup heavy cream
  • 2 carrots, peeled and diced
  • 2 stalks celery, diced
  • 1 medium onion, diced
  • 1 6 oz. package Uncle Ben's Long Grain and Wild Rice
  • 2 tbsp. butter
  • 6 oz. cremini mushrooms, thinly sliced

How to make vegetarian rice soup

Begin by cleaning and dicing all of your veggies to a consistent size. I used Josie's Organics for both the celery and the carrots! I like to do a small dice.

In a large soup pot, melt butter over medium heat and add in diced vegetables. Saute for 3-4 minutes until the onions are translucent. Add in sliced mushrooms, stir, and cook for an additional minute.

Next, add in a box of Uncle Ben's Long Grain and Wild Rice including the spice packet. Stir and top with vegetable broth.

Allow the rice to cook, stirring occasionally to prevent boiling over. Let the rice cook through-- about 15-20 minutes. Then add in heavy cream and stir.

One thing to note: Rice soaks up a lot of liquid when it is cooking. If you would like a more liquidy soup base, you may want to add in an extra cup or two of stock at the end of cooking.

How to make it creamy

I add Ā½ a cup of heavy cream to make this soup creamy.

This does nothing to thicken the soup, it just adds a delicious flavor! If you would like a thicker soup, add in 2 tbsp. flour when the mirepoix (carrots, celery, and onions) are first sauteing. This creates a roux. Once you add in your stock later, it will transform into a thicker broth.


There are lots of ways to switch up this creamy vegetable rice soup and come out with a delicious result.

Make it vegan: Two simple switches and this can go from a veggie rice soup to a vegan rice soup! Supplement olive oil for butter and coconut cream or your favorite cream substitute for the heavy cream.

Add in chicken: I love adding protein to my veggie soups because it makes them more filling! Here I would switch out the vegetable broth for chicken broth and then add in two diced chicken breasts or 2 cups of shredded rotisserie chicken.

Add additional vegetables: Another personal favorite of mine. Adding vegetables to soup is such an easy way to get more of a good thing into to you and your family's diet. This soup would really shine with some baby spinach or peas added in!

Can you freeze and reheat?

Yup, cook the soup according to instructions and allow to cool completely. Place in an airtight, freezer safe container and freeze for up to 3 months.

When you reheat, allow to partially thaw in the fridge so that it is easier to remove for the container. Cook in a soup pot until warm. You may want to thin it back out if necessary (the rice may have soaked up more liquid in the freezing and reheating process).

Iā€™m very glad to be bringing you this post featuring Josieā€™s Organics Products. I was compensated for my time, but all opinions are 100% my own.

Recipe shared at Meal Plan Monday.

Vegetarian Rice Soup With Mushrooms
Recipe details
  • 4  servings
  • Prep time: 10 Minutes Cook time: 25 Minutes Total time: 35 min
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  • 6 cups vegetable stock
  • Ā½ cup heavy cream
  • 2 carrots, peeled and diced
  • 2 stalks celery, diced
  • 1 medium onion, diced
  • 1 6 oz. package Uncle Ben's Long Grain and Wild Rice
  • 2 tbsp. butter
  • 6 oz. cremini mushrooms, thinly sliced

Begin by cleaning and dicing all of your veggies to a consistent size. I like to do a small dice.
In a large soup pot, melt butter over medium heat and add in diced vegetables. Saute for 3-4 minutes until the onions are translucent. Add in sliced mushrooms, stir, and cook for an additional minute.
Next, add in a box of Uncle Ben's Long Grain and Wild Rice including the spice packet. Stir and top with vegetable broth.
Allow the rice to cook, stirring occasionally to prevent boiling over. Let the rice cook through-- about 15-20 minutes. Then add in heavy cream and stir.
  • Rice soaks up a lot of liquid when it is cooking. If you would like a more liquidy soup base, you make want to add in an extra cup or two of stock at the end of cooking.
Sarah Baumeister
Want more details about this and other recipes? Check out more here!
  • Nicole P Nicole P on May 25, 2021

    Can't wait to try this soup!

  • Carol Rosendaul Carol Rosendaul on Jun 01, 2021

    The soup sounds delicious but I wish I could use something else other than the heavy cream.

    • See 2 previous
    • Diane Diane on Jun 01, 2022

      Mix up a little Greek yogurt with whole, skim, or even plant-based milk to thicken up your dish sans heavy cream. As a bonus, youā€™ll get some protein and probiotics.

      When to use it:

      • soups
      • sauces
      • muffins

      How to use it:

      Combine equal parts Greek yogurt and milk to achieve a heavy cream-like texture. Sub 1:1 for heavy cream
