Lemon Curd Chia Parfaits (Vegan)

Naomi Cook
by Naomi Cook
2 people
20 min

Lemon Curd Chia Parfaits! These parfaits are made with a rich and decadent vegan lemon curd. The curd is then added to a layer of chia pudding and topped with blueberries and almonds. This parfait packs just the right amount of lemon and is the BEST springtime treat!!!

Recipe Features:

  • Rich, thick and creamy
  • Lemony and tart
  • 100% vegan
  • This parfait is easy enough to make as a quick breakfast or snack, and also elegant enough for a fun springtime dessert.

Ingredient Notes:

  • Thickener – Use cornstarch for this recipe. I have tried both cornstarch and arrowroot (which I love), but the arrowroot just doesn’t work for this particular recipe. It results in a gummy, stringy texture. However, the cornstarch yields a perfect curd every time.
  • Turmeric – This ingredient is optional, but I love it because of the beautiful yellow color it gives. Add a pinch, stir and taste test. If it’s not yellow enough, repeat the process until you are happy with it. Just be sure not to use too much, or you will change the flavor of the lemon curd.
  • Coconut – If you can’t find coconut cream, you can use coconut milk. However, the result may not be as thick and creamy. (I go into great detail about this within this post: Delicious Vegan Lemon Curd so please be sure to check it out. Plus, you will want to read this recipe over before getting started on the parfaits).
  • The most important tip I can give, is to refrigerate the coconut milk or cream for a good 24-48 hours before you need it. So plan ahead!
  • Toppings – Blueberries and almonds go so well with the parfait. However, feel free to try raspberries or strawberries, or a combo of all four.

If you are looking for something fresh, fun and light, then you gotta try these Lemon Curd Chia Parfaits…they will rock your fancy! Please be sure to let me know what you think in the comments. Hope you love it!

For more chia recipes, please give these a try:

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Lemon Curd Chia Parfaits (Vegan)
Recipe details
  • 2  people
  • Prep time: 10 Minutes Cook time: 10 Minutes Total time: 20 min
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  • 1 14 oz Savoy Coconut Cream, refrigerated (linked below)
  • 2 tbsp Lemon Zest (equivalent to 4 large lemons)
  • 1/2 cup Fresh Lemon Juice (equivalent to 2 large lemons)
  • 2 tbsp Gluten Free Cornstarch
  • 2 tbsp Pure Maple Syrup
  • Ground Turmeric, just a small pinch or two
  • 1/4 cup Badia Organic Chia Seeds
  • 1 cup The Original Oatly Oat Milk, or milk of choice
  • 1 tbsp Pure Maple Syrup
  • 1/2 tsp Pure Vanilla Extract
  • Chia Pudding
  • Vegan Lemon Curd (linked below)
  • Fresh Blueberries, for topping
  • Sliced Almonds, for topping

For the lemon curd. To a small saucepan, add the coconut cream and lemon zest.
In a small bowl, whisk the lemon juice and cornstarch together until fully dissolved and well combined.
Add to the pan along with the coconut cream mixture. Then add the maple syrup.
Over medium heat, bring to a low bubble - not boiling - whisking often. (I watch the entire time; whisking more often than not).
Once it starts bubbling and getting thick, reduce the heat to medium-low and continue to cook for about 10 minutes. At the 10 minute mark, take a spoon, gently grazing the top of the mixture, and slide it from one side of the pan to the other. If some lemon curd gently forms at the other end that means it's ready - remove from the heat. If not, cook for another 2-3 minutes and recheck.
Remove from the heat, taste and adjust the flavor accordingly, if needed. (Add more lemon for acidity, or more maple syrup for sweetness).
Let rest for 15 minutes. At this time, you can add some turmeric. (Be careful though because if you add too much you will change the flavor of the curd completely. So add a small pinch at first. Give the mixture a good whisk. Then if it's not yellow enough add another small pinch and stir again).
Transfer to a glass bowl or large jar, and cover the curd with plastic wrap, making sure the plastic wrap actually touches the entire curd. This will prevent a film from developing on top.
Refrigerate for a good 4-6 hours, overnight, or until it is completely chilled and perfectly set.
For the chia pudding base. Add all of the base ingredients to a bowl and stir until well combined.
During the next 15 minutes, stir a couple more times to prevent lumping.
Cover and refrigerate for 8 hours or overnight.
How to serve: Divide the chia pudding between two to four small bowls. Divide and top each bowl with the lemon curd.
Add blueberries (fresh or frozen) and sprinkle with sliced almonds.
Enjoy immediately.
Resting & Refrigeration Time:
32.25 hours
  • Thickener: Use cornstarch for this recipe. I have tried both cornstarch and arrowroot (which I love), but the arrowroot just doesn't work for this particular recipe. It results in a gummy, stringy texture. However, the cornstarch yields a perfect curd every time.
  • Coconut Milk or Cream: If you can't find coconut cream, you can use coconut milk. However, the result may not be as thick and creamy. (The most important tip I can give, is to refrigerate the coconut milk or cream for a good 24-48 hours before you need it).
  • Portions: 2-4 servings depending on your desired size.
  • Lemon Curd: Yields 1 cup. Use the leftover curd for pancakes, waffles and scones.
Naomi Cook
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  • LilyAnn LilyAnn on Jul 24, 2021

    I save the "oui" yogurt containers to use for this type of recipes. They're perfect!
